
The saysynth.cli.options module includes shared click.option instances for use throughout all commands.

NOTE: The documentation for this module is not rendered properly by pdoc, so its best to click "View Source" to scan its contents.

  2The `saysynth.cli.options` module includes shared `click.option` instances for use throughout all commands.
  4<center><img src="/assets/img/sun-wavy.png"></img></center>
  6**NOTE**: The documentation for this module is not rendered properly by `pdoc`, so its best to  click "View Source" to scan its contents.
  8import types
  9from collections import defaultdict
 10from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
 12import click
 13import yaml
 14from midi_utils.arp import STYLES
 15from midi_utils.constants import CHORDS
 17from saysynth.constants import (DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_BPM, DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_COUNT,
 18                                DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_SIG, SAY_ALL_PHONEMES,
 19                                SAY_DATA_TYPES, SAY_EMPHASIS, SAY_ENDIANNESS,
 20                                SAY_EXTRA_OPTION_DELIMITER,
 21                                SAY_PHONEME_CLASSES, SAY_SEGMENT_MAX_DURATION,
 22                                SAY_TUNED_VOICES, SAY_VOLUME_LEVEL_PER_NOTE,
 23                                SAY_VOLUME_LEVEL_PER_SEGMENT, SAY_VOLUME_RANGE)
 24from saysynth.utils import random_track_name, update_dict
 27def group_options(*options):
 28    def wrapper(function):
 29        for option in reversed(options):
 30            function = option(function)
 31        return function
 33    return wrapper
 36def csv_list(csv: str) -> List[str]:
 37    """
 38    A parser for a csv option
 39    """
 40    return [v.strip() for v in csv.split(",") if v.strip()]
 43def csv_int_list(csv: str) -> List[int]:
 44    """
 45    A parser for an integer-typed csv option
 46    """
 47    return [int(v) for v in csv_list(csv)]
 50def prepare_options_for_say(input_text: str, **kwargs):
 51    """
 52    TODO: Get rid fo this / move to `saysynth.lib.say`?
 53    """
 54    # handle some param edge cases
 55    rp = kwargs.get("randomize_phoneme")
 56    # for convenience, set the voice option to the one specified
 57    # in randomize phoneme.
 58    if rp and ":" in rp:
 59        kwargs["voice"] = rp.split(":")[0].strip().title()
 60    kwargs["input_text"] = input_text
 61    return kwargs
 64def format_opt_value(name: str, value: Any) -> Any:
 65    """
 66    Format an option value given its name and value.
 67    If the name is part of the common `OPTS`
 68    set, the click-configured type function will
 69    be applied, otherwise the value will be returned
 70    as a string.
 71    """
 72    global OPTS
 73    name = expand_opt_name(name)
 74    if name in OPTS:
 75        return OPTS[name]["obj"].type(value)
 76    return str(value).strip()
 79def _standardize_opt_name(opt_name: str) -> str:
 80    """
 81    Strip leading dashes from a cli option.
 82    """
 83    opt_name = opt_name.strip()
 84    while True:
 85        if opt_name[0] == "-":
 86            opt_name = opt_name[1:]
 87        else:
 88            break
 89    return opt_name.lower().replace("-", "_")
 92def shorten_opt_name(opt_name: str) -> str:
 93    """
 94    If an option is present in `OPTS`, return its short_name, otherwise standardize it.
 95    """
 96    o = _standardize_opt_name(opt_name)
 97    return OPTS.get(o, {}).get("short_name", o)
100def expand_opt_name(opt_name: str) -> str:
101    """
102    Strip leading dashes from an option name, lower case and strip.
103    and then expand any shortened / non-canonical opts with the global `OPTS` set.
104    """
105    o = _standardize_opt_name(opt_name)
106    return OPTS.get(o, {}).get("full_name", o)
109def get_unspecified_opts(
110    context: click.Context,
111) -> Dict[str, Union[Dict[str, Any], Any]]:
112    """
113    Get unspecified options from the click.Context and parse their
114    accompanying values using the global `OPTS` set.
115    """
116    opts = {}
117    try:
118        for i in range(0, len(context.args), 2):
119            raw_cli_opt_name = context.args[i]
120            raw_cli_opt_val = context.args[i + 1]
121            if SAY_EXTRA_OPTION_DELIMITER in raw_cli_opt_name:
122                # handle options which are designed to be nested (eg: tracks in a sequence for config_overrides)
123                parent_opt_name, child_opt_name = raw_cli_opt_val.split(
124                    SAY_EXTRA_OPTION_DELIMITER
125                )
126                parent_opt_name = _standardize_opt_name(parent_opt_name)
127                child_opt_name = expand_opt_name(child_opt_name)
128                if parent_opt_name not in opts:
129                    opts[parent_opt_name] = {}
130                opts[parent_opt_name][child_opt_name] = format_opt_value(
131                    child_opt_name, raw_cli_opt_val
132                )
133            else:
134                cli_opt_name = expand_opt_name(raw_cli_opt_name)
135                opts[cli_opt_name] = format_opt_value(
136                    cli_opt_name, raw_cli_opt_val
137                )
138    except IndexError:
139        pass
140    return opts
143def set_config_overrides_opt(
144    context: click.Context, **kwargs
145) -> Dict[str, Any]:
146    """
147    Combine the config overrides option and additional, unspecified cli options
148    """
149    cli_config_overrides = get_unspecified_opts(context)
150    yaml_config_overrides = yaml.safe_load(
151        kwargs.get("config_overrides", "{}")
152    )
153    kwargs["config_overrides"] = update_dict(
154        cli_config_overrides, yaml_config_overrides
155    )
156    return kwargs
159def log_configurations(track_type, **options) -> Dict[str, Any]:
160    """
161    Log configurations as yaml and exit
162    """
163    track_name = random_track_name(track_type, **options)
164    options.pop("yaml", None)  # remove yaml option
165    configs = {"tracks": [{track_name: {"type": track_type, "options": options}}]}
166    click.echo(yaml.safe_dump(configs, indent=4))
167    return configs
170# Duration Options
173duration_opt = click.option(
174    "-d",
175    "--duration",
176    default=10000,
177    type=int,
178    help="The duration of the note in milliseconds.",
181bpm_opt = click.option(
182    "-db",
183    "--duration-bpm",
184    "duration_bpm",
185    default=DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_BPM,
186    show_default=True,
187    type=float,
188    help="The bpm to use when calculating note duration.",
190count_opt = click.option(
191    "-dc",
192    "--duration-count",
193    "duration_count",
194    default=DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_COUNT,
195    type=str,
196    show_default=True,
197    help="The note length to use when calculating note duration (eg: 1/8 or 0.123 or 3)",
199time_sig_opt = click.option(
200    "-dts",
201    "--duration-time-sig",
202    "duration_time_sig",
203    default=DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_SIG,
204    type=str,
205    show_default=True,
206    help="The time signature to use when calculating note duration",
210CLI options for controlling note duration.
212duration_opts = group_options(duration_opt, bpm_opt, count_opt, time_sig_opt)
215phoneme_opt = click.option(
216    "-ph",
217    "--phoneme",
218    default="m",
219    help=(
220        f"One or more valid phoneme to use. Choose from {', '.join(SAY_ALL_PHONEMES)}. "
221        "Multiple phonemes can be combined together into one option eg: ''"
222    ),
223    show_default=True,
224    type=csv_list,
226randomize_phoneme_opt = click.option(
227    "-rp",
228    "--randomize-phoneme",
229    show_default=True,
230    type=str,
231    help=(
232        "Randomize the phoneme for every note. "
233        "If `all` is passed, all phonemes will be used. "
234        "Alternatively pass a comma-separated list of phonemes (eg 'm,l,n') or a voice and style, eg: Fred:drone. "
235        f"Valid voices include: {', '.join(SAY_TUNED_VOICES)}. "
236        f"Valid styles include: {', '.join(SAY_PHONEME_CLASSES)}."
237    ),
239randomize_octave_opt = click.option(
240    "-ro",
241    "--randomize-octave",
242    type=csv_int_list,
243    required=False,
244    default="",
245    help="A comma-separate list of octaves to randomly vary between. You can weight certain octaves by providing them multiple times (eg: 0,0,0-1,-1,2 would prefer the root octave first, one octave down second, and two octaves up third.)",
249CLI options for controlling phonemes.
251phoneme_opts = group_options(
252    phoneme_opt, randomize_phoneme_opt, randomize_octave_opt
256# Start Options
259randomize_start_opt = click.option(
260    "-rt",
261    "--randomize-start",
262    type=int,
263    nargs=2,
264    help="Randomize the number of milliseconds to silence to add before the say text. The first number passed in is the minimum of the range, the second is the max.",
266start_opt = click.option(
267    "-t",
268    "--start",
269    default=None,
270    show_default=True,
271    type=float,
272    help="The number of milliseconds of silence to add before the say text.",
274start_bpm_opt = click.option(
275    "-tb",
276    "--start-bpm",
277    default=DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_BPM,
278    type=float,
279    help="The bpm to use when calculating start time",
281start_count_opt = click.option(
282    "-tc",
283    "--start-count",
284    default=0,
285    type=str,
286    show_default=True,
287    help="The note length to use when calculating start time (eg: 1/8 or 0.123 or 3)",
289start_time_sig_opt = click.option(
290    "-tts",
291    "--start-time-sig",
292    default=DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_SIG,
293    type=str,
294    show_default=True,
295    help="The time signature to use when calculating start time",
299CLI options for adding silence to the beginning of a musical passage.
301start_opts = group_options(
302    randomize_start_opt,
303    start_opt,
304    start_bpm_opt,
305    start_count_opt,
306    start_time_sig_opt,
310# Segment Options
312randomize_segments_opt = click.option(
313    "-rs",
314    "--randomize-segments",
315    type=csv_list,
316    required=False,
317    default="",
318    help="Randomize every segment's 'phoneme', 'octave', and/or 'velocity'. Use commas to separate multiple randomization strategies",
322segment_duration_opt = click.option(
323    "-sd",
324    "--segment-duration",
326    show_default=True,
327    type=float,
328    help="The duration an individual phoneme",
330segment_bpm_opt = click.option(
331    "-sb",
332    "--segment-bpm",
333    default=120.0,
334    show_default=True,
335    type=float,
336    help="The bpm to use when calculating phoneme duration",
338segment_count_opt = click.option(
339    "-sc",
340    "--segment-count",
341    default="1/16",
342    type=str,
343    show_default=True,
344    help="The note length to use when calculating phoneme duration (eg: 1/8 or 0.123 or 3)",
346segment_time_sig_opt = click.option(
347    "-sts",
348    "--segment-time-sig",
349    default=DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_SIG,
350    type=str,
351    show_default=True,
352    help="The time signature to use when calculating phoneme duration",
356CLI options for controlling segment generation.
358segment_opts = group_options(
359    randomize_segments_opt,
360    segment_duration_opt,
361    segment_bpm_opt,
362    segment_count_opt,
363    segment_time_sig_opt,
367# Velocity Options
369velocity_opt = click.option(
370    "-vl",
371    "--velocity",
372    type=int,
373    show_default=True,
374    default=110,
375    help="The midi velocity value to use for each note.",
377velocity_emphasis_opt = click.option(
378    "-ve",
379    "--velocity-emphasis",
380    "emphasis",
381    type=int,
382    nargs=2,
383    show_default=True,
384    default=SAY_EMPHASIS,
385    help="Two midi velocity values (between 0 and 127) at which to add emphasis to a note/segment",
387volume_range_opt = click.option(
388    "-vr",
389    "--volume-range",
390    type=float,
391    nargs=2,
392    show_default=True,
393    default=SAY_VOLUME_RANGE,
394    help="The min and max volumes (range: 0.0-1.0) to use when mapping from midi velocities",
396randomize_velocity_opt = click.option(
397    "-rv",
398    "--randomize-velocity",
399    type=int,
400    nargs=2,
401    help="Randomize a note's velocity by supplying a min and max midi velocity (eg: -rv 40 120)",
405CLI options for controlling velocities
407velocity_opts = group_options(
408    velocity_opt,
409    velocity_emphasis_opt,
410    volume_range_opt,
411    randomize_velocity_opt,
415volume_level_per_segment_opt = click.option(
416    "-vps",
417    "--render-volume-level-per-segment",
418    "volume_level_per_segment",
420    type=int,
421    show_default=True,
422    help="The number of segments per note to render volume tags. Rendering too many can cause random drop-outs, while too few decreases the granularity of ADSR settings.",
425volume_level_per_note_opt = click.option(
426    "-vpn",
427    "--render-volume-level-per-note",
428    "volume_level_per_note",
430    type=int,
431    show_default=True,
432    help="The number of notes per sequence to render volume tags. Rendering too many can cause random drop-outs, while too few decreases the granularity of ADSR settings.",
436CLI options for adjusting the granularity of volume envelopes.
438volume_level_opts = group_options(
439    volume_level_per_note_opt, volume_level_per_segment_opt
443attack_opt = click.option(
444    "-at",
445    "--attack",
446    default=0.0,
447    show_default=True,
448    type=float,
449    help="The percentage of the duration it takes to reach the max volume of the note",
451decay_opt = click.option(
452    "-de",
453    "--decay",
454    default=0.0,
455    show_default=True,
456    type=float,
457    help="The percentage of the duration it takes to reach the sustain volume of the note",
459sustain_opt = click.option(
460    "-su",
461    "--sustain",
462    default=1.0,
463    type=float,
464    show_default=True,
465    help="The the sustain volume of the note",
467release_opt = click.option(
468    "-re",
469    "--release",
470    default=0.0,
471    type=float,
472    show_default=True,
473    help="The percentage of the duration it takes to reach the min volume of the note",
477CLI options for ADSR functionality.
479adsr_opts = group_options(
480    attack_opt,
481    decay_opt,
482    sustain_opt,
483    release_opt,
487# Say Options
488exec_opt = click.option(
489    "-p",
490    "--pipe",
491    is_flag=True,
492    default=False,
493    help=(
494        "Don't execute the say command and print the text to the console instead. "
495        "NOTE: This doesn't work with the `chord` command since this launches "
496        "multiple subprocesses and the outputted text will be jumbled. "
497        "In order to output the text representation of a chord, use "
498        "the `--output-file` option."
499    ),
502rate_opt = click.option(
503    "-r",
504    "--rate",
505    type=int,
506    default=70,
507    show_default=True,
508    help="Rate to speak at (see `man say`)",
510voice_opt = click.option(
511    "-v",
512    "--voice",
513    type=click.Choice(SAY_TUNED_VOICES),
514    default="Fred",
515    show_default=True,
516    help="Voice to use",
518input_file_opt = click.option(
519    "-i",
520    "--input-file",
521    type=str,
522    help="Filepath to read text input for say from",
523    default=None,
525audio_output_file_opt = click.option(
526    "-ao",
527    "--audio-output-file",
528    type=str,
529    help="File to write audio output to",
531audio_device_opt = click.option(
532    "-ad",
533    "--audio-device",
534    type=str,
535    help="Name of the audio device to send the signal to",
537networks_send_opt = click.option(
538    "-ns",
539    "--network-send",
540    type=str,
541    help="Network address to send the signal to",
543stereo_opt = click.option(
544    "-st",
545    "--stereo",
546    is_flag=True,
547    default=False,
548    help="Whether or not to generate a stereo signal",
550endianness_opt = click.option(
551    "-en",
552    "--endianness",
553    type=click.Choice(SAY_ENDIANNESS),
554    default="BE",
555    help="Whether or not to generate a stereo signal. See say's documentation on data/file formats for more details.",
557data_type_opt = click.option(
558    "-dt",
559    "--data-type",
560    type=click.Choice(SAY_DATA_TYPES),
561    default="I",
562    help="One of F (float), I (integer), or, rarely, UI (unsigned integer). See say's documentation on data/file formats for more details.",
564sample_size_opt = click.option(
565    "-ss",
566    "--sample-size",
567    type=int,
568    default=16,
569    show_default=True,
570    help="Sample size of the signal. When --data-type is 'I', One of 8, 16, 24, 32, 64. When --data-type is 'F', either 32 or 64. See say's documentation on data/file formats for more details.",
572sample_rate_opt = click.option(
573    "-sr",
574    "--sample-rate",
575    type=int,
576    default=22050,
577    show_default=True,
578    help="Sample rate of the signal (0:22050). See say's documentation on data/file formats for more details.",
580quality_opt = click.option(
581    "-qu",
582    "--quality",
583    type=int,
584    default=127,
585    help="Quality of the signal (1:127). See say's documentation on data/file formats for more details.",
586    show_default=True,
588wait_opt = click.option(
589    "-w",
590    "--wait",
591    is_flag=True,
592    default=False,
593    help="Whether or not to wait for the process to complete.",
595yaml_opt = click.option(
596    "-y",
597    "--yaml",
598    is_flag=True,
599    default=False,
600    help="Optionally print these configurations to the console as yaml. This is useful when constructing a sequence.",
602# progress_bar_opt = click.option(
603#     "-pg",
604#     "--progress",
605#     is_flag=True,
606#     default=False,
607#     help="Whether or not to display an interactive progress bar",
608# )
609# interactive_opt = click.option(
610#     "-in",
611#     "--interactive",
612#     is_flag=True,
613#     default=False,
614#     help="Whether or not to display highlighted text",
615# )
616# text_color_opt = click.option(
617#     "-cf",
618#     "--text-color",
619#     type=click.Choice(SAY_COLORS),
620#     default="white",
621#     help="The text color to use when displaying highlighted text",
622# )
623# bg_color_opt = click.option(
624#     "-cb",
625#     "--bg-color",
626#     type=click.Choice(SAY_COLORS),
627#     default="black",
628#     help="The background color to use when displaying highlighted text",
629# )
631output_file_opt = click.option(
632    "-o",
633    "--output-file",
634    type=str,
635    help="A filepath to write the generated text to",
639CLI options for `say`
641say_opts = group_options(
642    exec_opt,
643    wait_opt,
644    rate_opt,
645    voice_opt,
646    audio_output_file_opt,
647    audio_device_opt,
648    networks_send_opt,
649    stereo_opt,
650    endianness_opt,
651    data_type_opt,
652    sample_size_opt,
653    sample_rate_opt,
654    quality_opt,
655    yaml_opt,
656    # progress_bar_opt,
657    # interactive_opt,
658    # text_color_opt,
659    # bg_color_opt,
663# Chord Options
665chord_opt = click.option(
666    "-c",
667    "--chord",
668    required=False,
669    default="min69",
670    type=click.Choice([c.lower() for c in CHORDS.keys()]),
671    help="An optional name of a chord to build using the note as root.",
673chord_notes_opt = click.option(
674    "-cn",
675    "--chord-notes",
676    required=False,
677    default="",
678    type=csv_int_list,
679    help="An optional list of midi numbers to build a chord from based off of the root. For example, the notes '0,3,7' with the root of 'C1' would create a C-minor chord.",
681chord_velocities_opt = click.option(
682    "-cv",
683    "--chord-velocities",
684    required=False,
685    type=csv_int_list,
686    help="A comma-separated list of integers (eg: '50,100,127') specifying the midi velocity each note i the chord. The length of this list much match the number of notes in the chord. --volume-range and --velocity-steps also modify this parameter",
688chord_inversions_opt = click.option(
689    "-ci",
690    "--chord-inversions",
691    "inversions",
692    default="",
693    required=False,
694    type=csv_int_list,
695    help="A comma-separated list of integers (eg: '0,1,-1') specifying the direction and amplitude to invert each note. The length of this list much match the number of notes in the chord (post-stack).",
697chord_stack_opt = click.option(
698    "-cs",
699    "--chord-stack",
700    "stack",
701    default=0,
702    required=False,
703    type=int,
704    help="Stack a chord up (eg: '1' or '2') or down (eg: '-1' or '-2').",
708CLI options for handling chords (`sy arp` + `sy chord`)
710chord_opts = group_options(
711    chord_opt,
712    chord_notes_opt,
713    chord_inversions_opt,
714    chord_stack_opt,
717# Arp Options
720notes_opt = click.option(
721    "-ns",
722    "--notes",
723    required=False,
724    default="",
725    type=csv_list,
726    help="A comma-separated list of note names / midi note numbers to argpeggiate",
729octaves_opt = click.option(
730    "-oc",
731    "--octaves",
732    required=False,
733    default="0",
734    type=csv_int_list,
735    help="A comma-separated list of octaves to add to the notes",
738styles_opt = click.option(
739    "-sl",
740    "--styles",
741    required=False,
742    default="down",
743    type=csv_list,
744    help=f"A comma-separated list of styles/sorting algorithms to apply to the notes. This occurs after octaves are added. \nchoose from:\n {', '.join([str(k) for k in STYLES.keys()])}",
747velocities_opt = click.option(
748    "-vl",
749    "--velocities",
750    required=False,
751    default="100",
752    show_default=True,
753    type=csv_int_list,
754    help="A comma-separated list of velocities to apply to the notes, if this list is shorter than the list of notes, a modulo lookup is performed.",
757loops_opt = click.option(
758    "-l",
759    "--loops",
760    default=None,
761    show_default=True,
762    type=int,
763    help="The number of times to loop the notes in the pattern. If this is set, it will override the '--duration' option.",
766## beat duration
768beat_duration_opt = click.option(
769    "-bd",
770    "--beat-duration",
771    default=None,
772    required=False,
773    type=int,
774    help="The duration of the beat in milliseconds.",
776beat_bpm_opt = click.option(
777    "-bb",
778    "--beat-bpm",
779    default=DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_BPM,
780    type=float,
781    show_default=True,
782    help="The bpm to use when calculating beat duration.",
784beat_count_opt = click.option(
785    "-bc",
786    "--beat-count",
787    default=DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_COUNT,
788    type=str,
789    show_default=True,
790    help="The note count to use when calculating beat duration (eg: 1/8 or 0.123 or 3)",
792beat_time_sig_opt = click.option(
793    "-bts",
794    "--beat-time-sig",
795    default=DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_SIG,
796    type=str,
797    show_default=True,
798    help="The time signature to use when calculating beat duration",
802note_duration_opt = click.option(
803    "-nd",
804    "--note-duration",
805    default=None,
806    required=False,
807    type=int,
808    help="The duration of a single note in the arp. Defaults to the beat duration",
810note_bpm_opt = click.option(
811    "-nb",
812    "--note-bpm",
813    "note_bpm",
814    default=DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_BPM,
815    type=float,
816    show_default=True,
817    help="The bpm to use when calculating note duration.",
819note_count_opt = click.option(
820    "-nc",
821    "--note-count",
822    "note_count",
823    default=DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_COUNT,
824    type=str,
825    show_default=True,
826    help="The note length to use when calculating note duration (eg: 1/8 or 0.123 or 3)",
828note_time_sig_opt = click.option(
829    "-nts",
830    "--note-time-sig",
831    default=DEFAULT_BPM_TIME_SIG,
832    type=str,
833    show_default=True,
834    help="The time signature to use when calculating note duration",
838CLI options specific to `sy arp`.
840arp_opts = group_options(
841    notes_opt,
842    octaves_opt,
843    styles_opt,
844    velocities_opt,
845    loops_opt,
846    beat_duration_opt,
847    beat_bpm_opt,
848    beat_count_opt,
849    beat_time_sig_opt,
850    note_duration_opt,
851    note_bpm_opt,
852    note_count_opt,
853    note_time_sig_opt,
856seq_tracks_opt = click.option(
857    "-t",
858    "--tracks",
859    type=csv_list,
860    help="A comma-separated list of track names to `play`, `start`, `stop`, or `render`",
862seq_audio_devices_opt = click.option(
863    "-ad",
864    "--audio-devices",
865    type=csv_list,
866    help="A comma-separated list of audio-devices  to `play`, `start`, `stop`, or `render`",
868seq_output_dir_opt = click.option(
869    "-o",
870    "--output-dir",
871    type=str,
872    default="./",
873    help="When using `render`, the directory to write audio files of sequence's individual tracks into.",
875seq_config_overrides_opt = click.option(
876    "-c",
877    "--config-overrides",
878    type=str,
879    default="{}",
880    help="""
881    Override global and track-level configurations at runtime
882    by passing in yaml-formatted configurations,
883    eg: `-c '{"foo":"bar"}'`.
884    These configurations can be specified at the track-level
885    by nesting them under the track name,
886    eg: `-c '{"track":{"foo":"bar"}}'`.
888    You can also override configurations by providing extra command line arguments
889    available to `midi`, `note`, `chord`, rand/or `arp` tracks, eg: `-sd 10` or `--segment-duration 10`.
890    These can be similarly nested by using a `__` separator, eg: `--track__segment-duration 10`.
891    Parameters specified via the --config-overrides option will
892    take precedence over any extra CLI arguments.
893    """,
895seq_command_arg = click.argument(
896    "command",
897    type=click.Choice(["play", "start", "stop", "render", "echo"]),
898    required=True,
902CLI options specific to `sy seq` and `sy demo`.
904seq_opts = group_options(
905    seq_tracks_opt,
906    seq_audio_devices_opt,
907    seq_output_dir_opt,
908    seq_config_overrides_opt,
912Text to to use when selecting phonemes; the text to 'sing'
914text_opt = click.option(
915    "-tx",
916    "--text",
917    type=str,
918    default=None,
919    help="Text to to use when selecting phonemes; the text to 'sing'. Can also be a path to a file containing text to sing.",
923def _build_option_set(locals) -> Dict[str, click.Parameter]:
924    """
925    Meta-programming HACK to build an option set we can use to dynamically
926    parse extra cli options.
927    """
928    click_params = defaultdict(dict)
929    for _, object in locals.items():
930        if not (
931            isinstance(object, types.FunctionType)
932            and object.__module__.startswith("click")
933        ):
934            continue
935        # instantiate this option and fetch its param object
936        param: click.Parameter = object(lambda x: x).__click_params__[0]
937        full_name = _standardize_opt_name(
938        option = {"obj": param, "full_name": full_name}
939        click_params[] = option
941        # also add lookup for short name flags
942        short_cli_opt = [
943            o
944            for o in param.opts
945            if o.startswith("-") and not o.startswith("--")
946        ]
947        if not len(short_cli_opt):
948            continue
950        # add lookup to short name
951        short_name = _standardize_opt_name(short_cli_opt[0])
952        click_params[]["short_name"] = short_name
953        # also add reverse lookup
954        click_params[short_name] = option
955        click_params[short_name]["short_name"] = short_name
956    return click_params
959OPTS: Dict[str, click.Parameter] = _build_option_set(locals())
def group_options(*options):
28def group_options(*options):
29    def wrapper(function):
30        for option in reversed(options):
31            function = option(function)
32        return function
34    return wrapper
def csv_list(csv: str) -> List[str]:
37def csv_list(csv: str) -> List[str]:
38    """
39    A parser for a csv option
40    """
41    return [v.strip() for v in csv.split(",") if v.strip()]

A parser for a csv option

def csv_int_list(csv: str) -> List[int]:
44def csv_int_list(csv: str) -> List[int]:
45    """
46    A parser for an integer-typed csv option
47    """
48    return [int(v) for v in csv_list(csv)]

A parser for an integer-typed csv option

def prepare_options_for_say(input_text: str, **kwargs):
51def prepare_options_for_say(input_text: str, **kwargs):
52    """
53    TODO: Get rid fo this / move to `saysynth.lib.say`?
54    """
55    # handle some param edge cases
56    rp = kwargs.get("randomize_phoneme")
57    # for convenience, set the voice option to the one specified
58    # in randomize phoneme.
59    if rp and ":" in rp:
60        kwargs["voice"] = rp.split(":")[0].strip().title()
61    kwargs["input_text"] = input_text
62    return kwargs

TODO: Get rid fo this / move to saysynth.lib.say?

def format_opt_value(name: str, value: Any) -> Any:
65def format_opt_value(name: str, value: Any) -> Any:
66    """
67    Format an option value given its name and value.
68    If the name is part of the common `OPTS`
69    set, the click-configured type function will
70    be applied, otherwise the value will be returned
71    as a string.
72    """
73    global OPTS
74    name = expand_opt_name(name)
75    if name in OPTS:
76        return OPTS[name]["obj"].type(value)
77    return str(value).strip()

Format an option value given its name and value. If the name is part of the common OPTS set, the click-configured type function will be applied, otherwise the value will be returned as a string.

def shorten_opt_name(opt_name: str) -> str:
93def shorten_opt_name(opt_name: str) -> str:
94    """
95    If an option is present in `OPTS`, return its short_name, otherwise standardize it.
96    """
97    o = _standardize_opt_name(opt_name)
98    return OPTS.get(o, {}).get("short_name", o)

If an option is present in OPTS, return its short_name, otherwise standardize it.

def expand_opt_name(opt_name: str) -> str:
101def expand_opt_name(opt_name: str) -> str:
102    """
103    Strip leading dashes from an option name, lower case and strip.
104    and then expand any shortened / non-canonical opts with the global `OPTS` set.
105    """
106    o = _standardize_opt_name(opt_name)
107    return OPTS.get(o, {}).get("full_name", o)

Strip leading dashes from an option name, lower case and strip. and then expand any shortened / non-canonical opts with the global OPTS set.

def get_unspecified_opts(context: click.core.Context) -> Dict[str, Union[Dict[str, Any], Any]]:
110def get_unspecified_opts(
111    context: click.Context,
112) -> Dict[str, Union[Dict[str, Any], Any]]:
113    """
114    Get unspecified options from the click.Context and parse their
115    accompanying values using the global `OPTS` set.
116    """
117    opts = {}
118    try:
119        for i in range(0, len(context.args), 2):
120            raw_cli_opt_name = context.args[i]
121            raw_cli_opt_val = context.args[i + 1]
122            if SAY_EXTRA_OPTION_DELIMITER in raw_cli_opt_name:
123                # handle options which are designed to be nested (eg: tracks in a sequence for config_overrides)
124                parent_opt_name, child_opt_name = raw_cli_opt_val.split(
125                    SAY_EXTRA_OPTION_DELIMITER
126                )
127                parent_opt_name = _standardize_opt_name(parent_opt_name)
128                child_opt_name = expand_opt_name(child_opt_name)
129                if parent_opt_name not in opts:
130                    opts[parent_opt_name] = {}
131                opts[parent_opt_name][child_opt_name] = format_opt_value(
132                    child_opt_name, raw_cli_opt_val
133                )
134            else:
135                cli_opt_name = expand_opt_name(raw_cli_opt_name)
136                opts[cli_opt_name] = format_opt_value(
137                    cli_opt_name, raw_cli_opt_val
138                )
139    except IndexError:
140        pass
141    return opts

Get unspecified options from the click.Context and parse their accompanying values using the global OPTS set.

def set_config_overrides_opt(context: click.core.Context, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
144def set_config_overrides_opt(
145    context: click.Context, **kwargs
146) -> Dict[str, Any]:
147    """
148    Combine the config overrides option and additional, unspecified cli options
149    """
150    cli_config_overrides = get_unspecified_opts(context)
151    yaml_config_overrides = yaml.safe_load(
152        kwargs.get("config_overrides", "{}")
153    )
154    kwargs["config_overrides"] = update_dict(
155        cli_config_overrides, yaml_config_overrides
156    )
157    return kwargs

Combine the config overrides option and additional, unspecified cli options

def log_configurations(track_type, **options) -> Dict[str, Any]:
160def log_configurations(track_type, **options) -> Dict[str, Any]:
161    """
162    Log configurations as yaml and exit
163    """
164    track_name = random_track_name(track_type, **options)
165    options.pop("yaml", None)  # remove yaml option
166    configs = {"tracks": [{track_name: {"type": track_type, "options": options}}]}
167    click.echo(yaml.safe_dump(configs, indent=4))
168    return configs

Log configurations as yaml and exit

def duration_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def bpm_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def count_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def time_sig_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f

CLI options for controlling note duration.

def duration_opts(function):
29    def wrapper(function):
30        for option in reversed(options):
31            function = option(function)
32        return function
def phoneme_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def randomize_phoneme_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def randomize_octave_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f

CLI options for controlling phonemes.

def phoneme_opts(function):
29    def wrapper(function):
30        for option in reversed(options):
31            function = option(function)
32        return function
def randomize_start_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def start_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def start_bpm_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def start_count_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def start_time_sig_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f

CLI options for adding silence to the beginning of a musical passage.

def start_opts(function):
29    def wrapper(function):
30        for option in reversed(options):
31            function = option(function)
32        return function
def randomize_segments_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def segment_duration_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def segment_bpm_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def segment_count_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def segment_time_sig_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f

CLI options for controlling segment generation.

def segment_opts(function):
29    def wrapper(function):
30        for option in reversed(options):
31            function = option(function)
32        return function
def velocity_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def velocity_emphasis_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def volume_range_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def randomize_velocity_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f

CLI options for controlling velocities

def velocity_opts(function):
29    def wrapper(function):
30        for option in reversed(options):
31            function = option(function)
32        return function
def volume_level_per_segment_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def volume_level_per_note_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f

CLI options for adjusting the granularity of volume envelopes.

def volume_level_opts(function):
29    def wrapper(function):
30        for option in reversed(options):
31            function = option(function)
32        return function
def attack_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def decay_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def sustain_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def release_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f

CLI options for ADSR functionality.

def adsr_opts(function):
29    def wrapper(function):
30        for option in reversed(options):
31            function = option(function)
32        return function
def exec_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def rate_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def voice_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def input_file_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def audio_output_file_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def audio_device_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def networks_send_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def stereo_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def endianness_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def data_type_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def sample_size_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def sample_rate_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def quality_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def wait_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def yaml_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def output_file_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f

CLI options for say

def say_opts(function):
29    def wrapper(function):
30        for option in reversed(options):
31            function = option(function)
32        return function
def chord_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def chord_notes_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def chord_velocities_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def chord_inversions_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def chord_stack_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f

CLI options for handling chords (sy arp + sy chord)

def chord_opts(function):
29    def wrapper(function):
30        for option in reversed(options):
31            function = option(function)
32        return function
def notes_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def octaves_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def styles_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def velocities_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def loops_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def beat_duration_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def beat_bpm_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def beat_count_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def beat_time_sig_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def note_duration_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def note_bpm_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def note_count_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def note_time_sig_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f

CLI options specific to sy arp.

def arp_opts(function):
29    def wrapper(function):
30        for option in reversed(options):
31            function = option(function)
32        return function
def seq_tracks_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def seq_audio_devices_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def seq_output_dir_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def seq_config_overrides_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f
def seq_command_arg(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
286    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
287        ArgumentClass = attrs.pop("cls", None) or Argument
288        _param_memo(f, ArgumentClass(param_decls, **attrs))
289        return f

CLI options specific to sy seq and sy demo.

def seq_opts(function):
29    def wrapper(function):
30        for option in reversed(options):
31            function = option(function)
32        return function

Text to to use when selecting phonemes; the text to 'sing'

def text_opt(f: ~FC) -> ~FC:
305    def decorator(f: FC) -> FC:
306        # Issue 926, copy attrs, so pre-defined options can re-use the same cls=
307        option_attrs = attrs.copy()
308        OptionClass = option_attrs.pop("cls", None) or Option
309        _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **option_attrs))
310        return f